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ABC-CLIO Multi-Database Search This link opens in a new window
Multiple databases including Daily Life Through History, Issues: Controversy and Society, World Geography, World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras, and World Religions
EBSCOHost This link opens in a new window
Full-text information from more than 6,000 magazines, journals, and newspapers. Includes e-books, biographies, radio and TV transcripts, geographic information, primary sources, images, maps, and more.
Gale Virtual Reference Library This link opens in a new window
Full-text reference sources on all topics
Oxford Reference Online This link opens in a new window
Oxford Reference Online is an ebook database containing specialized encyclopedias, almanacs, and reference resources for general research.
U.S. History in Context This link opens in a new window
U.S. History in Context delivers comprehensive, contextual, media-rich search results from the most extensive online collection of historical information available today.
Providing a complete overview of U.S. history that covers the most-studied events, issues and current information, it combines documents from Primary Source Microfilm’s™ digital archives; articles from classic Macmillan Reference USA™ and Charles Scribner’s Sons® references; as well as other Gale proprietary content such as country and era overview information, and full-text periodicals and journals.