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Laurel School

Middle School: Fifth Grade English: Environmentalist Research Paper

Green Gadget Research Paper

Environmentalist Research Paper

  Expository writing is a form of writing that explains, describes, informs and gives information. It is organized and non-fiction. When writing an exposition, the writer needs to research before writing and takes notes before pre-writing. She also needs to determine what is important and what is not by asking questions. Taking notes at this phase is called summarizing or paraphrasing.

   There are many women in the past and today who work to keep the environment safe just like Julia Butterfly Hill.  You will choose from the attached list of women or choose a woman you want to research.  You have been learning research skills in social studies already! Make sure you use this knowledge to help you discover information about the woman you research. You will need to use both print and digital resources to build knowledge and investigate.

  You will follow the writing process as you have before, but add a NOTETAKING step to begin. SO you will take notes, prewrite, draft, revise, edit and then publish.  

   In the end your essay will:

 1. Describe your environmentalist.

 2. Explain how she helped the environment.

 3. Inform why she was important.

Your writing will have an introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs.

    Make sure you site resources at the end of your report, and check Noodle Tools to make sure you are accurate!  It is also important to include a picture of the environmentalist (either printed or drawn!) Please refer to your rubric for all requirements. Also, check the project calendar to stay on track with your progress.

                    Happy researching! 

Possible Topics

Women Environmentalists

Vandana Shiva

Maneka Gandhi

Saalumarada Thimmakka

Winona Duke

Daryl Hannah

Elizabeth May

Erin Brockovich

Judith Wright

Aila Keto

Margaret Murie

Wangari Maathai

Judi Bari

Kelly Johnson

Loren Legarda

Persia White

Linda Hogan

Shehla Masood

Hunter Lovins


Severn Cullis-Suzuki

Marina Silva

Jane Poynter

Cath Wallace

Sharon Matola

Sandra Bessudo

Joanne Ooi

Laila Iskander

Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Celia M. Hunter

Carol Browner

Alexandra Cousteau

Mimi Macpherson

Janet Rice

Marion Cotillard

Joyce Murray

Tzerporah Berman

Phyllis Omido

Hattie Carthan

Martha Kostuch 

Environmentalist Research Handout